3 interesting stories about Matt Le Blanc (Joey Tribbiani of FRIENDS).


3 Interesting stories from Matt LeBlanc, actor who played Joey Tribbiani in FRIENDS.

Matt LeBlanc filed his own tooth! Interesting facts about Matt LeBlanc
Matt LeBlanc filed his own tooth! Interesting facts about Matt LeBlanc | photo : NBC FRIENDS
FRIENDS has become one of the best and funniest shows of all time. Everyday new people are discovering this show and binge watching it. The characters of the show were played so good by all the actors that we feel we wanna be friends with them. However, Matt LeBlanc, the actor who played Joey Tribbiani, the dim character out of all six friends in the show, has some very interesting stories about his early days of acting and during the shoot of Friends, so lets known them:

Matt LeBlanc filed his own tooth.

joey tribbian funny facts
Matt LeBlanc filed his own tooth | photo : FRIENDS
Matt lived in New York in small apartments during his early days of acting. And in those days, head shots (pictures of yourself) were very important to have if you wanted to apply for an acting job. Matt also went to get some head shots and the camera man in the studio told LeBlanc to have his tooth filed first before the head shot. 
Matt went to a dentist and came to find out that it would cost him a lot of money to have his tooth filed and he didn’t have all that money. Matt asked the doc casually about how the doc files the tooth and getting that information, Matt came home with a pack of emery board and… yes! he filed his own tooth like Joey would have done in the show FRIENDS.

Matt LeBlanc dislocated his shoulder during a shoot for FRIENDS.

joey tribbiani friends chair fight
Joey doing the stunt where he lands on the chair | photo : FRIENDS
Remember the episode in FRIENDS, when Joey and Chandler fight over the chair when Ross wanted them all to get ready to go somewhere? Well Matt told in an interview, that in the scene, he had to step over the coffee table and land on the chair before Chandler gets it. Matt did the stunt and ended up falling and dislocating his shoulder.

Matt LeBlanc had only $11 in his pocket when he auditioned for FRIENDS.

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Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner with his first pay check from FRIENDS (fact) | photo : FRIENDS
You probably know that for the season 9 and 10 of the show FRIENDS, all six lead actors got paid 1 million per episode. However did you know that when Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey Tribbiani, he was down to last $11 in his pocket. And when he got his first paycheck from FRIENDS, he bought himself a nice hot dinner.