Top 5 interesting facts about Matt Leblanc aka Joey Tribbiani from FRIENDS TV show.
top 5 facts about Joey Tribbiani – Matt LeBlanc | FRIENDS |
1 ) When Matt LeBlack auditoned for the role of Joey, he came up with the idea to make the character of Joey a little dim and not intelligent like other characters.
Joey Tribbian talking to a pineapple | FRIENDS |
2 ) Matt LeBlanc only had $11 left in his pocket when he auditioned for the role of Joey Tribbiani. His pay check for last season of the show was 1 million dollar per episode.
Joey Tribbian | FRIENDS |
3 ) Whey all FRIENDS actor got their first pay check, the first thing LeBlanc did was to buy himself a hot dinner.
Joey Tribbian dinner time | FRIENDS |
4 ) Joey Tribbiani might have trouble learning French from Phoebe in an episode of Friends but in real, Matt LeBlanc actually speaks french fluently. His dad is French-Canadian; Mum is from an Italian family.
Joey speaks french | FRIENDS |
5 ) Before appearing on Friends, Matt did a commercial for Heinz ketchup which won a prize at Cannes. Matt was popular with commercial before he got famous with Friends.
Matt LeBlanc in Heinz Commercial |